Scraping website for information about libraries

For getting information about the libraries, the database of the German Library Statistics (Deutsche Bibliotheksstatistik/DBS) which is hosted by the HBZ was used:

For this project, 4 different requests were made:

  1. DBS National Libraries ( == > 3 active(1) libraries)
  2. DBS Section 4: University Libraries (i.e. not the entire Section 4 was queried) ( == > 83 active(2) libraries)
  3. DBS Section 1: Public Libraries with population > 400,000 ( == > 18 libraries)(3)
  4. DBS Section 2: Public Libraries with population > 100,000 ( == > 81 libraries)(4)

Since the website doesn't give unique URLs for individual requests, you could download the source code of each database request and safe as html files.

However, you could use the printing page of the database result list, which returns an individual URL. This procedure is followed here, with the URLs given in the list of tuples "urlList".

The result will be saved as a csv file for each database request to the cwd (i.e. current working directory).(5) Furthermore, those libraries without a valid url will be printed out (in a JSON prettyprint style).

(1) In DBS National Libraries, there are actually four libraries listed, but one is inactive.

(2) In DBS Section 4: University Libraries, there are actually 84 libraries listed, but one is inactive.

(3) Two libraries were added manually to this goup of libraries: The Hamburger Bücherhallen, whose entry in DBS omitted the DBV Section, and the Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin, which was listed as member of Section 4 "Wissenschaftliche Universalbibliotheken", though the library is member of Section 1 (and only guest member of Section 4 according to the DBV webpage (

(4) From DBS Section 2, two libraries (KA119 and KA129) were removed: These are small "ehrenamtlich geführte" libraries (less than 1,000 books) without any presence on the internet. For two more libraries (MB026 and GY440) the urls, missing in the DBS, were added manually.

(5) To find out, what your cwd is, type:

import os print os.getcwd()

Data was collected: 2014-02-08

List of URLs

In [1]:
# List of tuples of name & url
# urlList[0] = Nr. 1 (DBS National Libraries)
# urlList[1] = Nr. 2 (DBS Section 4, University Libraries)
# urlList[2] = Nr. 3 (DBS Section 1)
# urlList[3] = Nr. 4 (DBS Section 2)

urlList = [('DBS_NatBib', '|AG292|AG000|AK001'),
           ('DBS_4_UB', '|AH715|EJ882|EX035|AA708|AG188|DB900|DE081|AD011|DB079|AF093|AH090|AA289|MM201|AF007|EL283|AJ082|AB294|AD291|AE088|AX001|AA046|AC018|AB105|AA083|EL131|AE830|AL091|AE027|BK213|AX566|AL352|AK517|EX461|AL005|AL017|AG061|AC006|AE003|AB038|AK384|AD473|AH703|AB361|AD084|AK104|AF020|AA290|DE100|SB005|AL029|AK025|AB026|AA009|AH089|AH016|AN087|AJ100|EL039|AC030|AE386|AA034|AJ008|BD987|AE015|BD296|AH077|AE180|AH004|AF019|AK700|AH466|AH739|AJ355|AH028|AL467|AB385|AJ021|BZ398|AC468|DC072|DA385|BE926|FH880'),
           ('DBS_1', '|GE486|AA381|AE131|AH478|AJ136|AE064|AK062|AG115|AB075|AJ380|AL480|AH132|AA277|AE362|AE106'),
           ('DBS_2', '|MB026|GB291|AH259|GC556|KA119|KA129|GD895|AJ367|AF238|AD242|AD072|AG243|GY440|AA186|AB063|AH181|AD369|AC134|AF135|GE231|KS124|AL285|AF196|KQ152|AK116|AG279|AE295|AD217|GD822|AK153|GM675|AG267|AK293|AC286|AB178|AF275|AJ033|AL157|AC122|AJ471|WB861|LD510|GC283|AD059|MB038|AA174|AG371|AG231|LC499|LC505|AJ069|AG073|GB850|WB782|MB014|AH260|AH168|GC301|AJ264|GD998|GE012|GE036|MB002|GD767|AD163|AH351|AC262|GA444|GE462|GB746|AA472|GE899|AH247|AA447|AB270|GE164|GA596|AH284|AF470|AB142|AD229|JA868')]


In [2]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import json
import csv

In [3]:
def writeDict(bsString):
    s = bsString.lstrip()   # stripping off leading whitespace
    i1 = s.find("(DBS-ID: ")
    i2 = i1 + len("(DBS-ID: ")
    i3 = s.find(", Sig.")   # if there is no Sig. given, i3 returns -1 [i.e. the closing paren ")"]
    name = s[:i1-1]
    i4 = name.find(' ')   # to get the place, split name at first white space
    dbsID = s[i2:i3]
    place = name[:i4]
    dic = {}
    dic['DBS-ID'] = dbsID.encode("utf-8")   # BeautifulSoup encodes in Unicode,
    dic['Name'] = name.encode("utf-8")      # which is not supported by csv;
    dic['Ort'] = place.encode("utf-8")      # hence encoding to utf-8 is necessary
    dic['Twitter'] = ''
    return dic

def findURL(soupTAG):
    urlTAG = soupTAG.find_next("a")
    url = urlTAG.get('href')
    d = {}
    d['URL'] = url.encode("utf-8")
    return d

def parseHTML(soupHTML):
    l = []
    loD = []
    s0 = soupHTML.table.table.h3
    while type(s0) != type(None):    # first write each entry which is not NoneType to a list
        s_next = s0.find_next("h3")
        s0 = s_next
    for i in l:                           
        url = findURL(i)             # finding the next url for each entry        
        si = i.string                # second write each string of the list which is not NoneType  
        if type(si) != type(None):   # to a List of Dictionaries
            di = writeDict(si)
            di.update(url)           # adding the url to the dict
    return loD

def libCSV(index_of_urlList):
    pass as argument the index number of the urlList
    prints out 
    (1.) Nr. of (active) libraries in the list
    (2.) A JSON prettyprint list of libraries without a valid url
    (3.) The name of the csv file.
    Saves the csv file in the cwd.
    tup = urlList[index_of_urlList]
    u = tup[1]
    web = urllib2.urlopen(u)
    webHTML =
    soup = BeautifulSoup(webHTML)
    result = parseHTML(soup)
    print 'For', tup[0], len(result), '(active) libraries could be found.'
    for i in result:
        if i["URL"] == "":
            print 'For this library no URL could be found: \n'
            print json.dumps(i, indent=1), '\n'
    filename = tup[0] + '.csv'
    l1 = len(filename) + len('The csv will be safed as ')
    print "\n"+ l1*"=" + "\n"
    print 'The csv will be safed as', filename
    return exp2CSV(result, filename)

def exp2CSV(listOfDict, filename):
    arguments = list of dictionaries, filename
    output = saves file to cwd (current working directory)
    outputfile = filename
    keyz = listOfDict[0].keys()
    f = open(outputfile,'w')
    dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f,keyz)

Function call for each group of libraries

In [4]:
# pass in the index nr. of the urlList!

For DBS_NatBib 3 (active) libraries could be found.


The csv will be safed as DBS_NatBib.csv

In [5]:
# pass in the index nr. of the urlList!

For DBS_4_UB 83 (active) libraries could be found.
For this library no URL could be found: 

 "URL": "", 
 "Ort": "Koblenz-Landau", 
 "DBS-ID": "BD987", 
 "Name": "Koblenz-Landau UB", 
 "Twitter": ""


The csv will be safed as DBS_4_UB.csv

In [6]:
# pass in the index nr. of the urlList!

For DBS_1 16 (active) libraries could be found.


The csv will be safed as DBS_1.csv

In [7]:
# pass in the index nr. of the urlList!

For DBS_2 83 (active) libraries could be found.
For this library no URL could be found: 

 "URL": "", 
 "Ort": "Berlin", 
 "DBS-ID": "MB026", 
 "Name": "Berlin Pankow StB", 
 "Twitter": ""

For this library no URL could be found: 

 "URL": "", 
 "Ort": "Kassel", 
 "DBS-ID": "KA119", 
 "Name": "Kassel KuJB", 
 "Twitter": ""

For this library no URL could be found: 

 "URL": "", 
 "Ort": "Kassel", 
 "DBS-ID": "KA129", 
 "Name": "Kassel KuJB", 
 "Twitter": ""

For this library no URL could be found: 

 "URL": "", 
 "Ort": "Mainz", 
 "DBS-ID": "GY440", 
 "Name": "Mainz StB", 
 "Twitter": ""


The csv will be safed as DBS_2.csv

Output of the function calls

For archival reasons, the output of the function calls is saved here as text:

[0] For DBS_NatBib 3 (active) libraries could be found. ======================================= The csv will be safed as DBS_NatBib.csv [1] For DBS_4_UB 83 (active) libraries could be found. For this library no URL could be found: { "URL": "", "Ort": "Koblenz-Landau", "DBS-ID": "BD987", "Name": "Koblenz-Landau UB", "Twitter": "" } ===================================== The csv will be safed as DBS_4_UB.csv [2] For DBS_1 16 (active) libraries could be found. ================================== The csv will be safed as DBS_1.csv [3] For DBS_2 83 (active) libraries could be found. For this library no URL could be found: { "URL": "", "Ort": "Berlin", "DBS-ID": "MB026", "Name": "Berlin Pankow StB", "Twitter": "" } For this library no URL could be found: { "URL": "", "Ort": "Kassel", "DBS-ID": "KA119", "Name": "Kassel KuJB", "Twitter": "" } For this library no URL could be found: { "URL": "", "Ort": "Kassel", "DBS-ID": "KA129", "Name": "Kassel KuJB", "Twitter": "" } For this library no URL could be found: { "URL": "", "Ort": "Mainz", "DBS-ID": "GY440", "Name": "Mainz StB", "Twitter": "" } ================================== The csv will be safed as DBS_2.csv